*JOIN US* FOR this Monday's *Free Overview Session.* There full course comprises of 5 modules with a duration of 1hour 30 minutes per session: _Counselling, _ADR_ (alternative dispute & conflict resolution), _Community Engagement, Mediation, and Emotional Wellness Therapy_ . Participants will be awarded a Certificate upon completion. This will be earned by working hard (reading, personal reflections, participation, dedication).
The Course will include a complimentary copy of my book " *Community Policing: The Path to Healthier Relationships* for every registered participant which is valued at *$15* The costs for distribution to Police Services in *Afrika* are however heavily subsidized. And Yes, I spell *Afrika* with a " *k* " because I'm serious about transformational leadership and I'm committed to the decolonization processes on the continent and beyond.

To streamline the cost of the course, the training will be offered via a *WhatsApp Platform. SPREAD the word... Share with others and join the *WhatsApp Platform* using this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BpqnoXAkmSv1lpmc6c44Zp
I missed this one. Am so disappointed with myself! When do we have another one similar to this one? Otherwise...Dr. you are doing a great job. Kudos!